Thursday, August 2, 2007


July 27 -
I have been here for a while now.
Enclosed, wrapped up tightly.
I came to shut out the world
Where I seemed to have no place.
I came to hide.
To rest.
So I wrapped myself up
An irridescent shield
Disguising armor.
I expected silence.
Expected peace.
Expected solitude.
I have been still
And I have been quiet for a while now.
But He has not.
He came to me.
He whispered words of flight--of transformation.
He wanted to life me off the ground.
As I was still and quiet, He came.
When I had reached the point I could no longer do it alone...
He was there.
Beckoning me back into the sun.
Promising flight.
And I became new.
I broke out,shattering my armor.
Into the sun
As He breathed holy breath beneath my wet wings.

1 comment:

Tamera said...


You fluttered your wings and I can feel the breeze. I feel it, and I am renewed and refreshed.

the ancient door