Sunday, February 7, 2010

Good Directions and Perfect Timing

A friend of ours gave us directions to her house on Friday night.

Turn right onto street A.
Do not take your first right.
Go through the stop sign.
Turn right at the second street B.
Turn left onto street C.

I read and reread the directions. Wondering why in the world she would insert that second set of instructions - "do not take your first right".

My friend and I started driving to our friend's house and made the first turn. Only to realize that the first right she had spoken of, had the same name as her own street.

We followed her directions verbatim, however. Had a wonderful time at her party, and asked her about the directions as we were walking out to the door to go home.

"You'd be amazed how many people get directions from me on how to get to my house, then start driving here, and take that first right. As if I don't know the best way to get to my own house! I am so used to people taking that first right and getting lost in all the curves and turns and calling me, saying I'm lost, how do I get back?"

I stood in the foyer and God tapped on my heart.

Don't you think we do that to the Father on a regular basis?

He's given us directions on how to get to His house.

But we get started and at the first turn, where we think He really must have been mistaken when He gave us the directions, we do not heed His instruction.

And we turn.

On a street that might eventually become the right one.

But has so many twists and turns and is so much longer than the intended path, we get lost.

And we call upon Him, all turned around and confused.

He will lead us back out, then.

Give us directions again.

Because His way is better than our way.

And He knows the best way to get to His house - regardless of what our eyes might see, or not see.


Back in May, God laid it on my heart to go on a mission trip.

I remember sitting at the computer and looking through the scheduled trips through Southland.

Ethiopia in February. No, that wouldn't work. I'd be in school. Plus, it was Africa. Not for me.

A myriad of other trips - including one to the Congo, one to Mozambique, trips to Haiti and Austria and China.

But God told me to go to New York City.

On the first trip Southland would take to partner with a church that meets in a theater, to pass out water bottles in Central Park, to feed the homeless in Madison Square Garden.

He provided the means for me to go.

And with that trip, He began to open doors.


I laughed about this today.

Thinking back.

And I realized what happened last May parallels with many other things in my life.

Sometimes... it is not right the first time you see something.

Sometimes... time must pass.

Sometimes... circumstances must change, while that person, place or thing remains the same.

But one day, what you once saw and overlooked, might become your future.


Back in May, I had no idea that I would get incredibly sick over the summer months.

That I would accrue $3,000 worth of medical debt.

That I would have to drop out of school (causing me to fall even more behind than I already was).

And because of being out of school, I would be free in February.

To go wherever, and do whatever, He asked me to do.

So that the next time I sat at the computer and clicked on a link that said "Mission trip: Ethiopia"...

It would be right.

It would be mine - my next move, the next chapter of my story, an answer to my prayers.

I remind myself of this.

That sometimes God shields our eyes.

"Not yet," He whispers.

His timing is perfect.

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