Monday, January 26, 2009

what if

What if?

What if God is a storyteller.

And we are the characters in His story.


Over time, we have turned the story of the cross into a story about us.

A story that centers about us, our lives, our accomplishments, our sin, our need for grace.

We sing about God's love for us.

And His need for us.

And His plan for us.


What if...

we are a part of His story.

A part of His story that He loves deeply.

Characters He has created for His purpose.


This life is very real.

Nothing fictional about it.


But like Don says in Blue,

there is a reason we are drawn to stories.

"And there it was: setting, conflict, climax, and resolution. As silly as it seemed, it met the requirements f the heart and it matched the facts of reality. It felt more than true, it felt meaningful. I was starting to believe I was a character in a greater story, which is why the elements of story made sense in the first place."


Ever since the fall...

we've been pretty selfish.

On small levels.

On epic levels.

And just the idea that we are characters in a story that is not about us,

drives some of us crazy.

Makes us not just a little bit uncomfortable.


Like supporting actors.

The story might not be complete without us.

But our role is not vital.

Not central.

We... you and me... we are not the main character.

We are not the hero.


What if,

God has a specific plan for each of our lives.

But it, the plan, is meant to be interconnected with other plans.

To be a part of the biggest plan.

To glorify God.

The involved Narrator.


The God who opens up the skies and pours rain on the earth.

Who opens up the skies and sends down a dove.

Who looks upon lovers and encourages them...

Who speaks and blinds and raises the dead.


Not just a big Voice from Heaven.

But a God who walks among us.

A hero.


The story is about Him.

And His love.

And His grace.


So when we pray...

when we ask what our purpose is...

what if

it is simply to tell His story?

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