Monday, September 12, 2011

realistic expectations

I'm getting overwhelmed.  I am over-stimulated.  Experiencing sensory overload.  Too many plates are spinning.  I'm losing track and am watching, almost helplessly, as one by one plates begin to spin and teeter out of my control.

As desperate as the sentence even sounded.  This is how I feel.

It's late Sunday and I'm facing another week.  A full schedule.  A hard work load.  High demand and low funds.

How in the world am I supposed to make this work?

Here's to taking it one step at a time.  To setting measurable goals and objectives.  To developing action items.  Completing tasks.

Here's to setting attainable goals (this doesn't always translate to: easy.  But it might.), which I can achieve and then somehow measure the achievement.

So this week my goals are:

1) cook two full meals
2) go to the gym three times
3) get caught up on homework
4) get 6 hours of sleep at night

Simple things.  Important things.  Possible things.

Because the goals I want to set, look more like:

1) Buy a community center
2) Adopt a baby
3) Speak French
4) Restore the ghetto

Sometimes, easier isn't bad.  Sometimes, easier is wiser.  Short term goals versus long term goals. Because deep in my belly, I know that the big things are dependent on the little things.  And it's faithfulness in the mundane, which prepares you for what's next.

It's just that my "what's next" keeps turning out to be more hardship.  More testing.  More challenges.

Today there's only so much I can do.  I will do so much.

“Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” - St. Francis of Assisi.

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