My parenting journey has been anything but "normal".
Sometimes I am envious of mothers who have a linear parenting story. Who, if they want to, have a private parenting story.
My story, our family's story, is anything but linear. And in some sense, is anything but private.
I am suspicious, though, what we are experiencing as a family of eight is not unlike what you are experiencing. We just have a few dynamics making the experience extra interesting.
A trend I am seeing on social media is one of holding boundaries with our parents or holding our parents accountable for how they hurt us, or how they failed us. I am about a decade older than most who are exploring this wild territory and I have some thoughts.
Each generation, hopefully, does better than the one before it. Because my parents evolved, I was not raised the way they were. Because I have evolved, I am not raising children the way I was raised.
However. The pendulum seems to be swinging too far right now.
As a bonus parent to two teen (ish) girls, I am seeing this trend promote blurry lines between entitlement and respect.
As a bonus parent and a bio parent and a mental health professional, I am seeing this desire to have make sure our children are "heard" and "validated" turn into a lack of guidance and correction.
Gentle parenting turning into little more than permissive parenting.
I keep thinking about what my goals are for parenting and for my children. I want them to know how to communicate. But I also want them to be empathetic.
And just because someone is a child or just because someone is a parent doesn't mean they automatically are wrong. This is the balance we are trying to find.
I have to do better about learning what really is a threat and what isn't.
And my children have to learn ... well. How to be kinder.