Friday, December 5, 2008

Connect the Dots

Our lives seem to be spent running around in chaos.

Sometimes unorganized.

Occasionally unmotivated.

Often indecisive.

We wake up each morning feeling as though the only constant is that things continue to change.

Big events send us reeling.

Or it takes ten seconds, twenty years, or three points to send us head over heels.


Most of us are at some point of uncertainty in our lives.

(Some of you are not. And you are dancing for it... in the newness and beauty of security and love. Keep dancing. It is a beautiful dance and you have earned it.)

But for those of us who are uncertain: we are dancing too.

For hope.

And love.

And to scare fear away.

We dance for cleansing rain.

And in the holy wind.


We have been told, as Christians, we will experience suffering.

I've come to understand that. And also to understand the the suffering we experience is always different. Comes in disguises and in moments we'd never expect.

But suffering is not something we should seek.

Or desire.

The pursuit of suffering leads to an identity cemented in pain, in martyrdom for martyrdom's sake.


I want you to tell me how bad it is.

That it hurts.

And it's hard.

But that it is worth it, and you'll make it because of God's grace.


As Christians we should be known for our love and be marked by our joy.

In us, others should perceive a peace that is unexplainable.

Peace, not somberness.


We should laugh.

And have others ask why we are able to.

Our answer will be the same, then.

That it is hard, but God is good.


So when times like these come and I am perched precariously on point "B", lifting my telescope to my eye in search of point "C", I am reminded of this.

That down to my core, I believe everything happens for a reason.

And that people are worth fighting for.

That we are called not to wish for peace, but to work for it, to work towards it.

That when I focus my telescope, I see my Father's Kingdom coming to earth.


Then one day I will look back from point Z and see all the points I crossed before.

And there will be a beautiful picture... a story...

Of laughter and dancing and danger and heroes and heartbreak and joy.

Because all the dots will have connected.

Then it will all make sense.

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