Sunday, August 31, 2008


The word equilibrium has been finding me everywhere I turn.

In uncle's blogs and anatomy books and Sunday morning messages.

This morning at Southland, Jon was talking about community. About how by not living in community, we are denying our purpose. We are denying the purpose we were created for.

Shalom. We all have heard this word - the greeting. We know it as meaning "peace be with you" or "go in peace".

Jon unpacked this Hebrew word this morning. We translate it in english as one of those two phrases. But translated literally, it means "equilibrium". A balance. Nothing missing. Nothing broken.

We, the church, are an "outpost of the kingdom of heaven". The force that restores balance. There is peace in heaven. There is peace found in our Father. If we are called to bring heaven to earth, and are created in His image, this is our calling.

I was sitting in church, thinking about this. Thinking about what happens when our equilibrium is thrown off.


Faster and faster.

And something makes us stop.

And we fall over.


Nothing makes sense. We lose our direction. We lose our bearings.

As the church, we are called to take the shoulders of the dizzy, hold the faces of the disoriented. Calm their spinning worlds. Bring the pieces back together in acts of restoration.

Until the fluid in our spiritual ears is brought back to balance.

How often do we find ourselves without shalom?

Without peace. In a broken place. Dizzy and wobbling, wishing the world wouldn't spin so fast.

Shalom. Shalom.

Peace be with you.

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