Monday, February 25, 2008


The Buddhists believe all our negative feelings derive from fear. Guilt, anger, most sadness, aggression.

We are fearful people.

That's not a very attractive, powerful thing to admit.

But there are some of us who live in a constant state of fear. Whether that fear is violent or subtle... it is there.

Fear of rejection.
Fear of inadequacy.
Fear of abandonment.
Fear of the unknown.
Fear of failure.
Fear of change.
Fear of challenge.

Of course, there is not one, true, steadfast rule that applies to our emotions. Our emotions are inconsistent. Our emotions are unreliable. But think about it.

We are afraid we are not good enough. That things will happen to us like they happened to our parents. That we we didn't study hard enough, we don't look good enough, we didn't do the right thing, we did the wrong thing, we spoke or didn't speak.... The list goes on and on.

There's a different kind of fear, as well. The kind of fear I've felt for a few days when I walk into my room and see my sliding door pried open. Or hear noises outside my window. Or walk into the dark apartment by myself. Or hear a storm siren or my neighbors yelling again. This is a different kind of fear. A fear that is equally hard to live with. A fear that is equally paralyzing.

And I can't help but think that we are not meant to live this way.

I can't help but wonder, if we pulled the plant out by the roots, what that would mean for so many people... If fear was eliminated, how would our lives be different? Even in the most simple aspects of our lives:

If we weren't afraid of sleeping in, would we sleep better during the night?
If we weren't afraid of gaining weight, would we enjoy the food we eat?
If we weren't afraid of being hurt, would we love all the more passionately?
If we weren't afraid of being lied to, would we trust, or have better judgement of our own?

It just makes me wonder. Makes me wonder about healthy fear. About fear that causes exhileration... or fear that inspires awe. The fear that gets our blood pumping, calling us to action or to awareness. Fear can be a good thing. It's when the emotion overtakes us... planting itself deep beneath the surface... that it becomes dangerous.

We are taught the fear of the Lord. A recognition of His power and His presence. We fear the Lord because we cannot do what He does. We sinned, and forgot how to love how He loves. A healthy fear.

But fear can turn into a disease. Infecting everything. Spreading quickly. It is rampant because we cannot conquer it on our own. We are weak against it. Our own defenses are not enough. But that is why we are not alone.

Do not be afraid.

All of us are driven by different things. But I want you to find hope. I want you to be able to reach over and flip on the light, sleep in your bed without feeling fear, reach for his or her hand and know that love is scary, but it should not terrify you.

My words for you today are ones of hope.

Psalm 91.;&version=65

Because we love Him, we are protected. So often we associate protection with our physical bodies. But His protection is not so limited. Of every aspect of ourselves, it is our hearts, our souls, our spirits that need to be shielded. And therefore, it is our hearts, our souls, our spirits that God seeks to protect.

This might not make any sense.

You probably don't agree with me.

I'm not sure I agree with myself.

But it was a thought... I pray you find hope today.

Find security and safety in the shadow of His wing.

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