Thursday, May 5, 2011

something good this way comes

Just a sweet thought tonight.

I have no idea what comes next.

Sweet surrender.  A surprise awaits me from the hand of the Almighty.

My nature is to try and figure it out.  Like it's a mystery -- and the blueprint is hidden somewhere, waiting to be found.

But no one has lived my life before.

And hopes and dreams will not jinx beautiful things.

Who knows whose field I will find myself in.

Who knows where we will all end up.

Who knows what comes next.

I am not supposed to know these things.  I am supposed to live these things.  To trust these huge things, which I have no control over, will be taken care of.  To have ideas and be wrong.  To hear the whisper of God and follow.  To have my heart beat fast and to laugh uncontrollably.  To explore options and change my mind.

Tonight my heart felt a glimmer of hope.  My heart is reassured that I have, in fact, learned some things over the years.  And that my heart is also in tune with some of what our Father wants from me and for me.

And I spent some time walking around with Jakob Dylan singing in my ear.

Something good this way comes.

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